smu press

The administrators at Southern Methodist University, home of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, have decided to suspend operation of SMU Press. I just sent off a note of support to Kathy Lang:

"Kathy, I was saddened to read about the University's sudden and impending suspension of the Press.  I have long sung the praises of SMU Press as the finest small press in the country as far as publishing quality literary fiction goes.  It is disheartening to think that the university administration puts such little value in literature, not to mention in the well-being of their employees. I'm guessing the athletic department and administrative salaries did not take hits in the budget crunch. This a blow to the national literary community.  When I think of the writers whose careers were launched and supported by SMU, I shudder to think we we'll be losing. Rick Bass, George Garrett, Horton Foote, Ann Harleman, Debra Monroe, Daniel Stern, Mary Troy, Brad Barkley.  What will happen to Ed Falco's next book? That's one I need to read, everyone should read. If there is anything else I can do to show my support, please let me know.  I intend to make the news known on my blog. You must be devastated. John"

A lot of peopler have been making their feelings known. If you want to show your support, you can go here and click on Kathy's name.