When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi
List Your Self, Ilene Seaglove and Paul Bob Velick
The Writer's Eye, Hart Day Leavitt
The Writer's Quotation Book, James Charlton
The Outlaw Album, Daniel Woodrell
Gratitude, Oliver Sacks
Art Is the Highest Form of Hope, Phaidon Editors
The Great American Baseball Card Flipping, Trading and Bubble Gum Book, Brendan C. Boyd and Fred C. Harris
Route 66 Lost & Found, Russell A. Olsen
The Americans, Robert Frank
Salt of Patriots, Donna Vitucci
The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking
Physics of the Impossible, Michio Kaku
Beauty Parlor Wisdom, Rosa Mecklenberg, Joanne Dugan
Class Trip, Emmanuel Carrėre
Confessions of a Sex Maniac, Davis Henry Sterry
Nonconformity, Nelson Algren
Napoleon's Hemorrhoids, Phil Mason
On Writing Well, William Zinsser
The Pocket Muse, Monica Wood
The Writing Life, Annie Dillard
Dirty Linen & New-Found-Land, Tom Stoppard
Tom Stoppard: Plays 1, Tom Stoppard
The Pocket Muse: Endless Inspiration, Monica Wood
Browsings, Michael Dirda
Abstract City, Christopher Niemann
Reality Is Not What It Seems, Carlo Rovelli
Breakthrough!, Alex Cornell, ed.
The Hidden Reality, Brian Greene
South and West, Joan Didion
The Food of a Younger Land, Mark Kurlansky
Ranger Confidential, Andrea Lankford
Ranger Stories, Michael John Meyer
Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari
Time Travel, James Gleick
The Confidence Game, Maria Konnikova
The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker
The Hypochondriacs, Brian Dillon
Water and Rock, Jim Harris and Glen Sorestad
Dressed for Winter, Peter Mladinic
A Bit on the Side, William Trevor
A Briefer History of Time, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
Essayism, Brian Dillon
Little Sister Death, William Gay
Dubliners, James Joyce
Bowling in the Bumper Lane, Corey Ginsberg
Draft. No. 4, John McPhee
Damn Good Advice, George Lois
Catching the Big Fish, David Lynch
Waves Passing in the Night, Lawrence Weschler
Fact-o-Pedia, Charlotte Lowe
On Tyranny, Timothy Snyder
Things Are What You Make of Them, Adam J. Kurtz
Heating & Cooling, Beth Ann Fennelly
The Nobel Lecture, Bob Dylan
Art Can Help, Robert Adams
Scald, Denise Duhamel
Beauty in Photography, Robert Adams
Listen to Me, Lynn Lauber
River of Consciousness, Oliver Sacks
300 Arguments, Sarah Manguso