Worship the Pig, Gaylord Brewer (NYP)
her cold martini, Marsh Muirhead
Delights & Shadows, Ted Kooser
Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari
American Hookup, Lisa Wade
The Soul of an Octopus, Sy Montgomery
Möbius Strips and Other Stories, Tom DeMarchi
Speaking American, Josh Katz
We Can Do It! Summersdale
The Uninhabitable Earth, David Wallace-Wells
Loser Takes All, Graham Greene
Dreyer’s English, Benjamin Dreter
Irons in the Fire, John McPhee
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Richard Peabody, ed
Keep Going, Austin Kleon
Hurry Up and Relax, Nathan Leslie (NYP)
Keep Your Brain Alive, Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin
Aspects of the Novel, E. M. Forster
Writing the Other, Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward
can’t and won’t, Lydia Davis
In the Dutch Mountains, Cees Nooteboom
Wabi-Sabi, Leonard Koren
The Secret Wisdom of Nature, Peter Wohlleben
Draw Your Day, Samantha Dion Baker
The Art of Noticing, Rob Walker
Let Us Now Speak of Extinction, Michael C. Keith
Taking Things Seriously, Joshua Glenn and Carol Hayes
An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris, George Perec
The Writer’s Book of Matches, The Editors of Fresh Boiled Peanuts
Failed It!, Erik Kessels
Billy Dyer and Other Stories, William Maxwell
Death, Woody Allen
Little Blues Book, Brian Robertson
Dancing with That Woman at Whiskey Woes, Lawrence Desautels
Peak, Andeers Erricsson and Robert Pool
Hopeful Monsters, Roger McKnight (NYP)
Your Idea Starts Here, Carolyn Eckert
Good for Otto, Davis Rabe
Beginning with Cannonballs, Jill Coupe (NYP)
Word by Word. Kory Stamper
Stork Mountain, Miroslav Penkov
Semicolon, Cecelia Watson
Draw Your Day, Samantha Dion Baker
Dear Everyone, Gregory Wolos
What Time Is It? John Berger & Selçuk Demirel
Cataract, John Berger & Selçuk Demirel
Mistakes by the Lake, Brian Petkash (NYP)
How To See, Thich Nhat Hanh
Death and Other Holidays, Marci Vogel
Writing Flash, Fred D. White
The Body, Bill Bryson
Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton
The Skull, Philip K. Dick
Scrapple. Siän Griffiths (NYP)
First You Write a Sentence, Joe Moran
Writing the Novella, Sharon Oard Warner (NYP)
Somewhere Becoming Rain, Clive James
Your Duck Is My Duck, Deborah Eisenberg
Impeach, Neal Katyal
Have You Eaten Grandma?, Gyles Brandreth
Several Short Sentences About Writing, Verlyn Klinkenborg