lsu press
LSU Press in Baton Rouge, one of the country's most prestigious academic presses, is in danger of losing its funding. If you're thinking fiction, think Lewis Nordan, John Kennedy Toole, James Lee Burke, among others. Maybe an e-mail to Governor Bobby Jindal will help. But it'll probbaly be a decision made within the university, and we doubt athletics will suffer any. So maybe an e-mail to LSU President John Lombardi. And it looks like the Press is not the only program in danger. Here's a bit of the the message from Chancellor Martin to Lombardi:
"This cut will require certain academic support entities to implement new fees for their services or to increase their existingfees to students, faculty, staff, and/or the general public. Because of the nature of some of these entities and their fixed costof operation, it is very possible they cannot generate the revenue needed and will close. Examples of units that may be impacted as a result of this type of decision are the LSU Museum of Art, Rural Life Museum, Hilltop Arboretum, LSU Press, Southern Review, Louisiana Library Network, Alumni Association and the Fire & Emergency Training Institute."
I wonder how that fits with the mission statement of the University?