fiu follies

I've been teaching here for 19 years and never before have I gotten an email from the Republican powers that be that political proaganda on campus is verboten.  All the years the GOP was in charge and the Bushes were in office, it was okay to wear your political persuasion on your linen sleeve apparently.  Here's an email from the admin:  "Political propaganda on campus buildings Please note below the limitation on printed materials dealing with political advocacy on public buildings or use of state university resources for political campaigns/ballot issues. MDS Mark D. Szuchman Department of History FIU University Park Miami, FL . . .  Forwarded message ---------- From: Douglas Wartzok < > Date: Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:46 PM Subject: FW: Political propaganda on campus buildings To: Provost-Deans < >, Provost-G-51 < > Cc: Provost-Deans Assistants < > Please remind your faculty that not only are posters and other political propaganda not allowed in public buildings, university resources, e.g., e-mail, cannot be used to campaign for or against any ballot item or individual. Thanks."  You're welcome.  We can't post an Obama poster on our office door but El Jefe President Maidique and friends can host a John McCain rally--this Friday. They're worried about a traffic jam at school--they shouldn't be.  All the sad little soldiers in the administration won't get their way this time.