closed windows

"Our bestselling literary author hands down is John Dufresne, whose book "Louisiana Power & Light," set right here in Monroe, was a huge book all across the country. The sequel, "Deep in the Shade of Paradise," also sold well for us, as have all his books."  Alas, my champions have closed up shop!


One of my favorite bookstores in the world, Windows, in Monroe, Louisiana, is closing. Owners Pat and Elisabeth were students with me back in Fayetteville. Now what will I do when I go to Monroe? Sad days for the book biz.


Nabokov reads from Lolita, diparages Faulkner, and tells us what he considers the four great novels of the twentieth century.

tony hillerman

Writer Tony Hillerman has died at 83.  Gave one of the finest keynote addresses I've ever heard at the Taos Summer Writers Conference a couple of years ago. He had notes written in a little memo pad and pulled pieces of paper out of his pockets to consult.  And every bit of advice was solid and eye-opening. 

lovers' link

1929 Johnson Smith & Co. Catalogue by King Power Cinema

Almost as bad as getting married!

Slip one of your fingers into the Lovers’ Link and invite the lady to do likewise to see how funny it feels when the fingertips touch. The fun begins when she tries to get back. The harder she pulls, the tighter it grips. By having Two Links, one for each hand, it is practically impossible to get free without assistance. That’s where the fun comes in.

--Johnson-Smith Catalogue, 1929