first in the nation
Obama carries Dixville Notch!
i'm feeling good
To the person in Hutchinson Island who ripped the Obama sticker off my car, please note, it's all over but the whining:
john mccain circling the drain
Twenty-six newspapers that supported Bush are supporting Barack.
more good news
GOP's Colin Powell endorses Obama.
buckley for barack
republicanos por obama!
palin checked into the boards
Sarah Palin booed by the sweetest fans in Hockeyland.
cash on palin
Rosanne Cash makes the case for hew own vice-presidential credentials.
circling the drain
John McSame figures lying is okay if you're about to go under.
(read the rest at Wonkette)
maverick is the name
Anyone who is considering voting for McSame because he thinks John McCain is a gentleman, a maverick, a statesman, a patriot, or a hero ought to read this piece in Rolling Stone.
temper mental
Pretty scary!
monroe, city of steady habits
Wade Williams wants to keep that "n*****" out of office. Mr. Williams lived in a retirement community just a stone's throw from the Palms Motel where Billy Wayne and Earlene were married.
"I apologize if I sound like a broken record. But once again, Obama won the debate according to essentially every objective metric."