who are people

The question is and this is what

Barack Obama didn't want to answer—

is that human life a person

under the Constitution?

And Barack Obama says no.

Well if that person—

human life is not a person, then—

I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say,

"We're going to decide who are people

and who are not people."

--Rick Santorum

(we're going to miss you)


They sported knowing,

and they sported ignorant;

they sported an ægrotat.‥

They sported an exeat,

they sported a dormiat.



(The original source of the poem is The Freemason's Magazine, [vol 4, p. 106] although the OED credits Gentleman's Magazine, December 1794. The full quote: ". . . they sported knowing, and they sported ignorant; they sported aegrotat, and they sported a new coat! They sported an exeat, they sported a dormiat, they sported their outer, a lion, a lioness, a cat, and a levant!" The article was signed: An Enemy to All Ambiguity.)

A visual: 


it's like boom

So, for me, it really is KSW, and it’s just like,

it’s something that, uh, I don’t mince words with that.

And I won’t hesitate to put ethics in someone else,

because I put it ruthlessly in myself. And I think that

I…uh…I respect that, you know, in others. And, you know,

I’m there to help, and we’re here to help, and my opinion is

is that, look, either you’re on board or you’re not on board.

And uh, they said, “So, have you been an SP?” 

I looked at them and I thought, “What a beautiful thing,”

because maybe one day it will be like that, you know?

You know what I’m saying.

Maybe one day it will be that “Wow, SP,

they just read about those in the history books.” You know? 

it’s not how to run from an SP. It’s how to shatter suppression,

confront and shatter suppression. You apply it, and it’s like, boom.

--Tom Cruise

KSW: Keep Scientology Working

SP: Suppressive Person

the war on caterpillars

Well, for one thing,

if the Democrats said we

had a war on caterpillars,

and mainstream media outlet

talked about the fact

that Republicans have

a war on caterpillars,

then we have problems with caterpillars.

The fact of the matter is it’s a fiction

and this started a war

against the Vatican

that this president pursued.

--Reince Priebus

stormy weather


A brief storm blew through here this afternoon. My neighbor lost a tree and a back window on his car. My other neighbor, the quiet one who never leaves his porch, didn't seem very concerned:

10 items or . . . what?


Some pain in the ass grammarian finds out that the Whole Foods in Pinecrest has a usage problem. "Reserve less for amounts or mass nouns--forexample less salt, dirt, water. Reserve fewer for countable things[[for esample fewer people, calories, suggestions." Or items. (Chicago Manual of Style)

the netherlands

In the Netherlands, people wear

different bracelets if they are elderly.

And the bracelet is:

Do not euthanize me.

Because they have voluntary euthanasia

in the Netherlands, but half of the people

who are euthanized--ten percent

of all deaths in the Netherlands,

half of those people are euthanized

involuntarily at hospitals because

they are older and sick. And so

elderly people in the Netherlands

don’t go to the hospital.

They go to another country because

they are afraid, because of budget purposes,

they will not come out of that hospital

if they go in there with sickness.

--Rick Santorum

the other side of mitt

Q: I’ve seen him in casual conversation.

He comes off

very smooth and okay, but

sometimes he comes off stiff.

Do you have to fight back some criticism,

like "My husband isn’t stiff, OK?”


A: Well, you know, I guess

we better unzip him

and let the real Mitt Romney out

because he is not!

--Ann Romney

(the Mitt-stabilizer)

the father of lies

Satan has his sights on

the United States of America

this is a spiritual war

and the Father of Lies has

his sights on what you would think

the Father of Lies would have his sights on:

a good, decent, powerful, influential country

if you were Satan

who would you attack in this day and age?

There is no one else to go after

other than the United States

--Rick Santorum

the person from romney

I understand

but just understand

they sent a Romney person

to our speech

he fed the line to all

the reporters

and everybody in that 

everybody in that room

even the reporters said

oh yes we understood

what you meant but

you know the Romney

people said this to us

so we had to ask you about it 

that’s what happened

--Rick Santorum

the 1%

well higher-income people

don’t have to pay taxes

if they don’t want to

because they can move

their money somewhere else

they can move their investments

they can stop investing

they can stop working

they don’t need to work

they’re higher-income people

--Rick Santorum

light my fire

It's very easy to excite the base

with incendiary comments

if you're willing to say really

outrageous things that are accusative

I'm not willing to light my hair on fire

to try and get support

I am who I am

I'm a person with extensive

experience in the private sector

--Mitt Romney

ask siri # 2


Real answers from the lady in my pocket.

Me: Who's on first?

Siri: Right. That's the man's name.

Me: What's on second?

Siri: I didn't find any meetings.


strange things are happening to me

strange things are happening to me

I am learning to say y’all,

and I like grits and things.


Mornin’ y’all. Good to be with you.

I got started right this morning

with a biscuit and some cheesy grits,

I’ll tell ya. Delicious. Hilton Garden Inn 

knows just what to serve me

in the morning.


Look, I’ve worn a garbage bag

for rain gear myself.


--Mitt "Bubba" Romney